Radio Rashy, Episode 26 – Son of Temple of Plume

The merriment continues with special guest Kenneth Plume, of Ken’s world-famous impersonation of Brian Blessed caps a show dealing with Misty’s plans to steal pudu, the tale of Paul’s aborted Dastardly & Muttley movie and how inflatable Donald Duck swim rings might have saved lives aboard the Titanic. All this, plus Emily’s new tie!

Radio Rashy, Episode 24 – SuperPets!

Paul and Misty reminisce past team-ups with their favorite pets. Also in this adventure, Rashy reveals Hobarts secret origin and SuperRica enters the corupt world of city politics. Stay tuned!

Radio Rashy, Episode 20 – The Kitchen Sink

We’re all over the place this week as Paul and Misty stalk the wild Dingiso, invest with Kiva, help out a fellow magician and explain how not to get a convention sketch from Bruce Timm. All this and a special guest appearance by Stabby McKnife in an episode we had to call “The Kitchen Sink.”

Radio Rashy, Episode 10 – Black Friday

Paul and Misty do what they can to avoid the holiday madness and with christmas around the corner Rashy writes his Xmas list. Will he stay on Santa’s Good list until then? or until the end of the podcast?

Radio Rashy, Episode 8 – Little Rash-cals

Paul, Super Rica, and Ezra have to hold down the fort until Rashy and Misty get home. What did Rashy do that was so bad? How will they deal with him? Magic? Send him to Tower Prep? Or just hang him by his tail?

Radio Rashy, Episode 6 – Mr Lucas Builds His Dream House

What do George Lucas and Paul Dini have in common? Well lots actually, but a House full of Star Wars toys is what Rashy plans to take advantage of, and Paul reminisces of his days at Skywalker Ranch. Also in this issue, The inspiration is revealed for Princess Magic.